Tourteletes in Fryture – Fig tarts fried in oil and basted in honey

FROM the website Godecookery

157. Tourteletes in fryture. Take figus & grynde hem smal; do þerin saffron & powdur fort. Close hem in foyles of dowe, & frye hem in oyle. Claryfye hony & flamme hem þerwyt; ete hem hote or colde.

– Hieatt, Constance B. and Sharon Butler. Curye on Inglish: English Culinary Manuscripts of the Fourteenth-Century (Including the Forme of Cury). New York: for The Early English Text Society by the Oxford University Press, 1985.


Take figs & grind them small; do there-in saffron & powder fort. Close them in foils of dough, & fry them in oil. Clarify honey & baste them there-with; eat them hot or cold.


Powder fort – a Medieval blend of strong spices, almost always containing pepper (and never sugar). A nice mix might consist of such spices as black pepper, white pepper, cardamom, ginger, cubeb, clove, etc.
Pastry dough


Finely dice the figs as small as possible by hand or purée with a processor; mix in the saffron and the powder fort spice mixture – use to taste. Roll out the pastry dough and cut into medium-sized circles. On one pastry circle place a spoonful of figs, then cover with another circle of dough; seal the edges well. Fry the pie(s) in hot oil until lightly browned & crispy; remove from heat and allow to drain. In a pot, heat the honey, skimming off any scum that rises. As soon as the pie(s) have drained, brush on the honey. Eat hot or cold.
NOTES:Recipe had no measurements so I did about 8 Calmyra Figs and powder forte, no saffron. Used pre-made pastry dough. Meadhbh

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